The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

Soils for Food Security and Climate

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The resources of the Initiative

In this section, find the resources (various documents, reports, videos, etc.) published by the “4 per 1000” Initiative and its Partners.

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Resourcewatch: Monitoring the Planet’s Pulse

Resourcewatch: Monitoring the Planet’s Pulse, trusted and timely data for a sustainable future - WRI & al.

“Response to the paper « The “4p1000″ Initiative: A new name should be adopted » by Baveye and White” – 2020 – C.RUMPEL & al

A response to the paper « The "4p1000" Initiative: A new name should be adopted » by Philippe C. Baveye & ...

“Review of GHG calculators in Agriculture and Forestry sectors” – 2012 – FAO, IRD, ADEME

Vincent COLOMB & al. A Guideline for Appropriate Choice and Use of Landscape Based Tools - June 2012.

“Rhizodeposition efficiency of pearl millet genotypes assessed on a short growing period by carbon isotopes (δ13C and F14C)” – 2022 – Papa Mamadou Sitor Ndour & al.

Papa Mamadou Sitor Ndour, Christine Hatté, Wafa Achouak, Thierry Heulin, and Laurent Cournac in SOIL, 8, 2022 - ...

Interview of Prof. Rattan Lal: “Importance of Soil and impact on pollution” – 2018 – RSTV Eureka

RSTV Eureka – Interaction with Prof Rattan Lal, Eminent Soil Scientist - March 17, 2018

“Saving the climate from the ground up” – 2020 – Univ. of Bonn

Soil has the capacity to bind large quantities of carbon in the long term. An international team of researchers is now advocating effective use of this potential.

“Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change” – 2019 – Nature/ Ricardo Cavicchioli & al

Ricardo Cavicchioli, William J. Ripple, Kenneth N. Timmis, Farooq Azam, Lars R. Bakken, Matthew Baylis, Michael J. ...

Nature Map Earth – SDSN/IIASA

A SDSN, IIASA initiative, funded by NICFI

Publications Marcel Bouché – 2019 – Site web “Ver de Terre Production”

D’abord jardinier, puis chercheur et directeur du laboratoire de Zooécologie du sol à l’INRA, Marcel Bouché, spécialiste mondial des vers de terre, a consacré la majeure partie de sa vie à l’étude de ces animaux et de l’écologie. Marcel Bouché a gracieusement offert 400 de ses publications scientifiques à Ver de Terre Production, afin de les scanner et de les diffuser au plus grand nombre

Soil Carbon Note #2: what has been achieved in terms of considering soils and soil health?

2022, the year of the 3 Rio Conventions’ COPs on Desertification, Climate Change and Biodiversity:What has been ...

Soil Carbon Note #3: Policy brief to prepare for upcoming COP28

Healthy soils with high organic carbon levels are key for (agro-)ecosystems resilience towards climate change and ...

Soil Carbon Note #4: UNFCCC COP 28 in Dubai: What are the major results from the point of view of the “4 per 1000” international Initiative?

COP 28 of the UNFCCC, held in Dubai in December 2023, was the most attended Climate COP, with the participation of ...