Who canjoin?
In order to join the “4 per 1000”, you must represent an existing structure, of one of the following types:
- States or local authorities
- International organisations
- Public/private donors, foundations, etc…
- Agricultural and/or forestry producers’ organisations
- Scientific research and/or educational institutions
- Civil society, associations, NGOs
- Private companies
To get involvedby becoming a member or partner
- 1. Download the attached application form and fill it in directly on your computer
- 2. Download the attached Declaration of Intent, and fill it in, date it and have it signed by a person authorised to represent your organisation
- 3. Send to the Executive Secretariat:
– the application form (in Excel format if possible),
– the declaration of intent,
– an official document stating that your organisation is not-for-profit* or commercial (unless you are applying for membership from a country, local authority or private company),
– the logo of your organisation (jpeg or png format).
Either by mail : secretariat@4p1000.org
Or by post to the following address:
Initiative “4 pour 1000”
c/o Alliance Bioversity International – CIAT
1000 avenue Agropolis, 34394 Montpellier Cedex 5
After validation by the Consortium or the Board, the organisation you represent becomes a member or official partner of the “4 per 1000” Initiative!
* Nota bene: the “non-profit” or “non-commercial” character is mandatory for membership of the “4 per 1000” International Initiative