The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

Soils for Food Security and Climate

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The resources of the Initiative

In this section, find the resources (various documents, reports, videos, etc.) published by the “4 per 1000” Initiative and its Partners.

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“4 per 1000” Newsletter 4 – July 2019

“4 per 1000” Newsletter 5 – September 2019

“4 per 1000” Newsletter 6 – November 2019

“4 per 1000” Newsletter 7 – January 2020

“4 per 1000” Newsletter 9 – September 2020

“4 per 1000” Newsletter 8 – May 2020

“Next Steps for Conservation Agriculture” – 2021 – John N. Landers & al

John N. Landers, Pedro Luiz de Freitas, Mauricio Carvalho de Oliveira, Sebastião Pedro da Silva Neto , Ricardo ...

Video “The international “4 per 1000” Initiative – 2020 – Oliver Gardiner

Video made by Oliver Gardiner in September, 2020, with footage from Regeneration International, Regeneration Canada and Stemple Creek Ranch

“Soil carbon sequestration is an elusive climate mitigation tool” – 2018 – National Academy of Sciences/ USA

Ronald Amundson and Léopold Biardeau. The need to stabilize the greenhouse gas concentrations of the atmosphere is the great environmental challenge of this century.

“The Health-Energy-Water-Agriculture nexus: the solution for improving African livelihoods?” – 2019 – Patrick Musinguzi

Patrick Musinguzi - December 12, 2019

“Photosynthetic limits on carbon sequestration in croplands” – 2022 – Janzen & al

H. Henry Janzen, Kees Jan van Groenigen, David S. Powlson, Timothy Schwinghamer, Jan Willem Van Groenigen in ...

“Piéger le carbone dans les sols : où en est l’initiative “4 pour 1000” ?” – 2017 – The conversation

La 23e conférence de l’ONU sur les changements climatiques (COP23), qui vient de s’achever à Bonn en Allemagne, a rappelé l’urgence de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour contenir l’augmentation de la température en dessous des deux degrés d’ici à 2100.