by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Oct 1, 2023
The transitioning towards regenerative agriculture is of special relevance for the Asia-Pacific region which is particularly vulnerable to climate change and where smallholders comprise a high proportion of farmers. The objectives of the workshop are: To share...
by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Jun 30, 2023
Why a Soil Health Resolution at COP 28 of UNFCCC? – Global Soil Partnership, 11th Plenary Assembly, 12-14 July Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, it has become clear to everyone that agriculture, in addition to forestry, has a particular importance in the fight...
by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Jun 29, 2023 | Official 4 per 1000 documents, - 4 per 1000 Newsletters, Resources, Sys-Validé
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by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Jun 26, 2023 | Current News, Sys-Validé
Documentation of the meeting The first Northern European Regional Meeting of the international 4 per 1000 Initiative took place in Helsinki, Finland from 6-8 June 2023. It was mainly and greatly organized by Baltic Sea Action Group. In this sense, we, the 4p1000...
by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Jun 22, 2023 | Other resources, - Guides and reports, Resources, Sys-Validé
Available in five languages, this draft proposal for governments to issue a Soil Health Resolution is an initiative from CA4SH Global partners to help advocate for governmental backing to scale soil health globally. Soils are the third-largest carbon sink and at the...