by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Jun 16, 2023 | Sys-Validé, Current News
Documentation of the meeting The International “4 per 1000” Initiative, the Coalition on Action for Soil Health (CA4SH) and the British Soil Sciences Society (BSSS) co-hosted a policy luncheon promoting the leveraging role of healthy soils in the climate...
by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | May 30, 2023
3 days conference in Brisbane (Australia) Organizer: Soil Carbon Industry Group Carbon Farmers of Australia Topics: – 1) Soil Carbon as a high quality carbon credit; – 2) Latest developments in measurement and modelling soil carbon in Australia; – 3)...
by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | May 15, 2023 | Current News, Sys-Validé
The fifth call for projects for formative evaluation opens from 15th May to 15th July, 2023. As a reminder, the objective of this evaluation is twofold: Modality 1 concerns new projects seeking funds for implementation. In this case, the aim is to improve the...
by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Apr 11, 2023
This “4 per 1000” International Seminar on Forest Soil Conservation and Restoration in West Africa is organised within the framework of the Terri4Sol Project, by the international “4 per 1000” Initiative and CIRAD, coordinator of the Terri4Sol...
by Philippe CORNUEJOLS | Apr 5, 2023 | Official 4 per 1000 documents, - 4 per 1000 Newsletters, Resources, Sys-Validé
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