International worshpop – “Transitioning towards regenerative agriculture through agroecology: a systemic approach”
The transitioning towards regenerative agriculture is of special relevance for the Asia-Pacific region which is particularly vulnerable to climate change and where smallholders comprise a high proportion of farmers.
The objectives of the workshop are:
- To share Cambodian experience related to Agroecology (AE), Conservation Agriculture (CA), and coordination mechanisms in support to systems shift
- To learn from other experiences in South East Asia and Pacific related to Regenerative Agriculture, Agroecology, and support to transitioning processes
- To discuss the role of research in supporting the expected systems shifts: a major output of the workshop will be to identify the key research fronts to be addressed to support the transitioning towards regenerative agriculture through agroecology in South-East Asia and Pacific.
This workshop is co-organized by Cambodian Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification Consortium (CASIC), Agroecology and Safe Food Systems Transition (ASSET) and Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (ISA) projects, Agroecology coalition, the international “4 per 1000” Initiative, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (CSAM).
More information to come on our website.