The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

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Scientists from the “4 per 1000” Initiative discuss #SaveSoil with Sadhguru in Paris

Last 8 April 2022, a joint event between the Conscious Planet SaveSoil Movement and the international “4 per 1000” Initiative took place, in Paris and online. This event was hosted by the Embassy of India in Paris and under the patronage of the Permanent Representation of India to UNESCO.

An unprecedented scientific and philosophical conversation took place to raise awareness of the disaster of soil depletion around the world, and to share solutions for improving soil health in front of an audience of 250 persons in Paris and more than 20,000 persons online.

Sadhguru, Founder of Isha Fondation Isha and of the « Conscious Planet » Movement exchanged, in a vivid dialogue, during more than two hours, with Dr Paul Luu, Executive Secretary of the international “4 per 1000” Initiative, Dr Claire Chenu, Coordinator of the European Program EJP Soil, Special Ambassador for the International Year of Soils, Researcher and Professor at AgroParisTech and Member of the “4 per 1000” Scientific and Technical Committee, and with Dr Jean-François Soussana, Vice-President for International Affairs at INRAE, Expert at IPCC, and member of the STC of the Initiative.

To watch the recorded video of this amazing dialogue, please click one of the following link:

At the end of this extraordinary event, to confirm their willingness to work together and to shape their partnership for the 3 years to come, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Sadhguru and by Dr Paul Luu, Executive Secretary of the international “4 per 1000” Initiative.

