The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

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4th “4 per 1000” Initiative Day – online

Since 2016, the “4 per 1000” Initiative used to organize its Initiative Day during the UNFCCC COP. This year in the unusual context of the CoVid 19, the COP will not take place in Glasgow (Scotland) and has been postponed to 2021. It was therefore decided that the 4th “day” of the “4 per 1000” Initiative would be held online, in two parts:

  • The Forum of Partners with a High Level Segment on December 9, 2020
  • The Consortium of Members on December 10, 2020 to make the decisions that will allow the Initiative to continue its activities in 2021.

Website :

Watch the meeting on the “4 per 1000” Youtube channel

High Level Segment:

Forum of partners:

The event is ongoing.