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Los recursos de la Iniciativa

En esta sección encontrará los recursos (diversos documentos, informes, videos, etc.) publicados por la Iniciativa «4 por 1000» y sus Socios.

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«Healthy, fertile soil is vital for us and the planet» – 2018 – The Scotsman

Dr Matt Aitkenhead and Dr Cathy Hawes in The Scotsman - 5th January 2018

«Healthy soil, good for the farmer, good for the Planet»: comments on the New York Times paper ‘Can Dirt Save the Earth?'»- 2018 – Regeneration International

Many people believe that if you just focus on soil health, everything else will follow. This principal is prominently featured in a recent New York Times Magazine article, “Can Dirt Save the Earth?”, which examines the practicality of regenerative agriculture... Read more

«Healthy Soils Policy Survey Results» – 2019 – Breakthrough Strategies & Solutions

To help prepare for potential opportunities to advance healthy soils policy at the federal level in 2021, and at the state level on an ongoing basis, Breakthrough Strategies & Solutions solicited input on policy solutions from a few dozen experts in the areas of agricultural policy and healthy soils.

«How Wolfe’s Neck Farm is combating climate change» – 2017 –

Mary Pols in, October 29, 2017

«Impact de l’agriculture climato-intelligente sur les stocks de carbone organique du sol à Madagascar» – 2018 – Tantely Maminiaina Razafimbelo & al

Emmanuel Torquebiau & al. L’agriculture climato-intelligente (Climate Smart Agriculture) vise à lutter contre le changement climatique et à s’y adapter tout en combattant l’insécurité alimentaire.

«Increasing organic stocks in agricultural soils: knowledge gaps and potential innovations» – 2018 – C.Chenu, D.A.Angers, P.Barré, D.Derrien, D.Arrouays & J.Balesdent

Claire Chenu, Denis A.Angers, Pierre Barré, Delphine Derrien, Dominique Arrouays, Jérôme Balesdent. Recent initiatives, such as the United Nations declaring 2015 as the International Year of Soils and the French "4 per 1000" initiative call attention on soils and on the importance of maintaining and increasing soil organic matter stocks for soil fertility and food security, and for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Infographics presenting the «4 per 1000» Initiative – 2023

Posters presenting the "4 per 1000" Initiative, with two different visuals - May 2023

Informe especial sobre la Viti-viniculture – Julio de 2022

«Iniciativa 4/1000: Suelos para la seguridad alimentaria y el clima» – 2018- Ambientum - 7 marzo, 2018

«Stocker 4 pour 1000 de carbone dans les sols : le potentiel en France» – 2019 – INRAE

INRAE - Juin 2019

Video «Soils for food security and climate» – 2016 – INRA, IRD, CIRAD & CGIAR

Créditos INRA, IRD, CIRAD et CGIAR, Primavera 2016

«Stocker du carbone dans les sols français: Quel potentiel et à quel coût ?» – 2021 – INRAE

L’Initiative « 4 pour 1 000 : les Sols pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et le Climat » propose d’augmenter chaque année d’un quatre millième le stock de carbone présent dans tous les sols du monde. L’INRAE a conduit une étude, centrée sur la France métropolitaine, visant à estimer le potentiel de stockage de carbone des sols agricoles et forestiers et, in fine, à mesurer la contribution potentielle de ce levier à l’objectif de réduction des émissions nettes de gaz à effet de serre.