The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

Soils for Food Security and Climate

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“Can N2O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage?” – 2020 – B.Guenet, B.Gabrielle, C.Chenu, D.Arrouays & al

Bertrand Guenet, Benoit Gabrielle, Claire Chenu, Dominique Arrouays, Jérôme Balesdent, Martial Bernoux, Elisa Bruni, Jean‐Pierre Caliman, Rémi Cardinael, Songchao Chen, Philippe Ciais, Dominique Desbois, Julien Fouche, Stefan Frank, Catherine Henault, Emanuele Lugato, Victoria Naipal, Thomas Nesme, Michael Obersteiner, Sylvain Pellerin, David S. Powlson, Daniel P. Rasse, Frédéric Rees, Jean‐François Soussana, Yang Su, Hanqin Tian, Hugo Valin, Feng Zhou – September 2020 – Wiley Online Library “Global Change Biology” – 7 Sept.2020