No-Till Agriculture and Soil Carbon Storage in Tropical and Cold Climates
Soil Carbon Sience webinar series#6
Welcome to our webinar on “No-Till Agriculture and Soil Carbon Storage in Tropical and Cold Climates”.
As global awareness of sustainable agricultural practices grows, there is increasing interest in no- or reduced tillage farming as a method to improve soil conditions and sequester carbon, thus mitigating climate change impacts. This webinar will explore the application and benefits of no-till agriculture in diverse climatic zones, specifically the tropics and cold climates, focusing on its role in enhancing soil carbon storage.
Moderator :
Budiman Minasny, The University of Sydney, “4 per 1000” Scientific and Technical Committee
Discussant :
Adesola Olaleye, IUCN CEM, “4 per 1000” Scientific and Technical Committee
Intervenants :
Marie-Élise Samson, Université Laval
Dr. Marie-Élise Samson is an agronomist with a Bachelor’s degree in agronomy and a Master’s degree in soils and the environment from Université Laval. She completed a doctorate under joint supervision at Agrocampus Ouest, in France, and Université Laval. She is now an Assistant Professor of soil science at Université Laval. Her fields of expertise include agropedology and biogeochemical cycles of soil organic matter. Her work has allowed, among other things, to better anticipate the effect of different agricultural practices on crop yield, soil fertility and carbon storage on agricultural land.
João Carlos de Moraes Sá, Ohio State University
Dr. João Carlos de Moraes Sá is a distinguished researcher in soil science and agronomy. He currently serves as a Senior Associate Researcher at the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center at The Ohio State University and has been the President of the Technical and Scientific Commission of the Brazilian No-Till System Federation since 2018. His extensive academic background includes a B.Sc. in Agronomy from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, and a Ph.D. in Soil Science from São Paulo State University and The Ohio State University. He has over 25 years of teaching experience, and his research focuses on soil organic matter dynamics, no-till systems, and sustainable agriculture, with an emphasis on carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation.
Date : 26 août 2024
Time: 21:00 (UTC+00:00)
Free registration and information: https://wiki.afris.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=236356643
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