The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

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7th Day of the international “4 per 1000” Initiative

The 7th Day of the international “4 per 1000” Initiative will be held on December 6, 2023, on the sidelines of COP28, in person or online.

The Scientific and Technical Committee of the international “4 per 1000” Initiative will meet on December 4 and 7, 2023.

We invite all friends, members and partners of the international “4 per 1000” Initiative to join us for the 7th “4 per 1000” Day in Dubai, December 6, 2023! Register and help us put put Soil Health higher on the international agenda and Act together now!
Information and registration here.

Discover too all the side events that “4 per 1000” will be a part of at COP28 this year!
