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Official 4 per 1000 documents

Call for Projects 2021

1 – Introduction

The third call for projects for formative evaluation opens on 15 May 2021

2 – What is the «4 per 1000» Initiative?

The “4 per 1000” Initiative – Soils for Food Security and Climate, part of the Lima-Paris Action Plan, now called the Global Climate Action Programme, comprises an international programme of scientific research and cooperation and an action plan to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) in order to enhance food security and mitigate and adapt to climate change

Its main objective is to assist contributing countries and non-governmental organisations to develop projects, actions and programmes, hereinafter referred to as “projects”, to promote and encourage actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by protecting and increasing SOC stocks at a rate of 4/1000 per year as an ambitious inspirational target.

3 – The objective of the call for projects

The objective of this evaluation is twofold

  • Modality 1 concerns new projects seeking funds for implementation. In this case, the aim is to improve the project’s actions and increase the chances of approval by donors. The “4 per 1000” Initiative does not foresee any commitment to fund projects.
  • Modality 2 concerns ongoing projects seeking “recognition” in the framework of the evaluation by the Scientific and Technical Committee of “4 per 1000”. In this case, the aim is to help projects, through expert advice, to achieve objectives in line with the “4 per 1000” Initiative and to set up methods to monitor progress during project implementation.

The procedure is applicable for the implementation of an agricultural practice, for the development or implementation of a project (e.g. soil restoration in a given region) or a policy proposal. Research projects can be assessed if they include an implementation aspect. This may include project coordinators (individuals or organisations) from different regions and conditions.

The guidelines for the call for proposals can be downloaded here.

A set of criteria, indicators, methods and units of measurement has been developed by the Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) of the “4 per 1000” Initiative and endorsed by the Consortium, to guide project proposals and to evaluate projects The evaluation will be carried out by the STC of the Initiative with the help of external reviewers if necessary, using the defined set of indicators.

Once the evaluation process has been completed, project coordinators will receive a report including the results of the evaluation and the recommendations of the STC A short description of the projects that are in line with the “4 per 1000” objectives will be presented on the Initiative’s website.

4 – How to submit a proposal

The deadline for submission of projects is 18 July 2021, 12:00 CET.

All projects should be sent to the Executive Secretariat.

The guidelines and all documents related to the Call are available on this page. The project must be submitted by the project leader.

The project leader must provide sufficient information about the project to allow for the evaluation:

  1. The application form with the basic information of the project according to the template provided ;
  2. A questionnaire to be filled in by the project leader;
  3. Any other document that the promoter considers useful for the understanding of the project.

The evaluation team may ask for more information if necessary and, if necessary, will organise teleconferences with the project coordinators.

5 – Agenda and important dates


  • Opening of the Call: 15 May 2021
  • Closing of the Call: 18 July 2021
  • Administrative review: 18 July – 30 July 2021


  • Examination and evaluation of projects: 1 August – 31 October 2021
  • Results submitted to project leaders: 31 January 2022

6 – Self-Assessment

Before the STC assesses a project, we recommend that you use carbon assessment tools such as those of the Carbon Benefits Project ( or the FAO’s ex-ante carbon assessment tool: EX-Act (

These are available free of charge after registration.

7 – Information, consultation et submission

The “4 per 1000” Executive Secretariat is the contact point between project coordinators and the “4 per 1000” Initiative for all general questions related to the Call.

Questions concerning the submission of projects and other general issues, as well as the finalised submission file, should be sent to the Executive Secretariat at: