The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

Soils for Food Security and Climate

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“New Project in Carbon Farming Launched in India” – 2019 – FoodTank USA

Publications Marcel Bouché – 2019 – Site web “Ver de Terre Production”

Avril 2019 : D’abord jardinier, puis chercheur et directeur du laboratoire de Zooécologie du sol à l’INRA, Marcel Bouché, spécialiste mondial des vers de terre, a consacré la majeure partie de sa vie à l’étude de ces animaux et de l’écologie. Marcel Bouché a...
“New Project in Carbon Farming Launched in India” – 2019 – FoodTank USA

“The 4 per 1000 goal and soil carbon storage under agroforestry and conservation agriculture systems in sub-Saharan Africa” – 2019 – CIRAD/ M.Corbeels, R.Cardinael, K.Naudin, H.Guibert & E.Torquebiau

Marc Corbeels, Rémi Cardinael, Krishna Naudin, Hervé Guibert & Emmanuel Torquebiau in Elsevier “Soil and Tillage Research” vol.188 – May 2019 Read the...
“New Project in Carbon Farming Launched in India” – 2019 – FoodTank USA

“Compost key to sequestering carbon in the soil” – 2019 – University of California – Davis

University of California – Davis in Science Daily – August 14, 2019 Read the publication In addition to this article, the following clarifications by Dr Beverley Henry, member of the “4 per 1000” STC: “When both compost and cover crops were added in the...