The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

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Agroecology and its Challenges

Agroecology and its Challenges – For a new agricultural and food model

The movement Pour une Agriculture du Vivant (Living Agriculture), the Agence Bio (Organic Agency) and the international “4 per 1000” Initiative are joining forces to initiate and implement a new agricultural and food model. This collaboration took concrete form with the organisation of the «Agroecology Challenges», on 12 and 13 April, bringing together on the UniLaSalle Campus in Beauvais nearly 200 actors representing the French agri-agricultural ecosystem to co-construct and accelerate a desirable agroecological transition for all actors, all sectors, all territories, and for civil society as a whole.

What are the “Agroecological Challenges”? The necessity and urgency of a profound overhaul of the food production, processing and distribution system in France. Today, the pioneers in agroecology have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach, while the latest IPCC report has once again reminded us of the interest of agroecology in facing the climate challenge.

To build the conditions for the emergence of a new national agricultural and food model, and to accompany the agroecological transition of all French agriculture, the Agroecology Challenges have set out to ensure the convergence of these dynamics in a federative and open approach. For the first time, farmers, researchers, cooperatives/negatives, industry players, institutions, local authorities, technical and financial partners were brought together around an open and forward-looking approach.

To find the complete press kit and the report (only in French) on the work carried out during the « Agroecology Challenges » : Défis de l’agroécologie 2022 – Pour une Agriculture du Vivant

The event is ongoing.