2019: “Soil and the SDGs: challenges and need for action”, Brussels, November, 25, 2019
This conference aimed to provide an opportunity for policy makers, public institutions, researchers, industry and civil society to exchange knowledge and practices on the implementation in the EU of soil and land-related SDGs. Throughout the day, representatives from the EU institutions and Member States, the European Environmental Agency, the scientific community and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) provided insights on the issue from different perspectives. Jean-François Soussana (INRA, France), Vice-chair of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Initiative 4p1000, presented the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land as a co-author of the report. Paloma MELGAREJO, Scientific Officer of the 4p1000 Executive Secretary also attended the conference.
For more details about the conference, click here