The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

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2019: Conference on the “4 per 1000” at the French Embassy in Sri Lanka – May 10, 2019, Colombo

Good attendance to the conference on “4 per 1000” organized by the French Embassy in Sri Lanka and the agricultural attaché of New Delhi in India (competent to Sri Lanka). Nearly 70 persons coming from various places in Sri Lanka and from administrations, NGOs as well as private business, were present. The opening speech was pronounced by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affiairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development of Sri Lanka. Prof. Leelamani Jayasighe from University of Ruhuna presented the situation of Sri Lanka concerning the 4 per 1000 Initiative.

In the afternoon, together with Françoise Moreau-Lalanne, French agricultural Attaché in New Delhi compétent for Sri Lanka, Paul Luu met Ms. Hasanthi Urugodawatte Dissanayake, Director General of Ocean Affairs, Environment and Climate Change of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She will help in order to have Sri Lanka join the 4 per 1000 Initiative.

The event is ongoing.