The international "4 per 1000" Initiative

Soils for Food Security and Climate

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Creation of the Bureau of the “4 per 1000” Initiative

At the last Consortium meeting in Katowice, it was decided to create a Bureau of the “4 per 1000” Initiative. The “purpose” of the Bureau is to provide the initiative with a support and advisory body for the work of the Presidency and the Executive Secretariat, within the framework of the operational program of the initiative between two meetings of the Consortium. It plays also a role of animation in the colleges of partners and members of the Initiative. It is composed of 13 members, among which 8 titulars and 5 alternates from the each colleges, elected for a term of 2 years (and maximum two consecutive terms). Elections took place in July 2019. The first meeting of the Bureau will be held by September….Congratulations to the members of this newly establish Bureau.