L'Initiative internationale "4 pour 1000"

Les Sols pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et le Climat

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MRV systems related to Soil health in the context of Agroecology and the « 4 per 1000 » Initiative

Since early 2023, the international « 4 per 1000 » Initiative has been embracing the key topic of MRV Systems and Tools, [MRV standing for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification].

Bringing to practitioners a comprehensive understanding and overview of this topic is part of the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan of the “4 per 1000” Initiative and is clearly stated in two Strategic Objectives:

  • B4 – MRV-Tool Kit
  • E1 – Monitoring, Reporting & Verification.

To provide a global, science-based, and user-friendly tool for end-users, the following steps and events have been conducted throughout 2023 and 2024, under the supervision of the « 4 per 1000 » Executive Secretariat and Scientific and Technical Committee.