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Soil Carbon Science Webinar Series #2 – 17 October 2023

The Scientific & Technical Committee of the international « 4 per 1000 » Initiative presents « Soil Carbon Science Webinar Series« : join us on-line to gain valuable insights and to engage with leading researchers in the field. Don’t miss this opportunity!

We would like to invite you to join us online at the second session of our Soil Carbon Science Webinar Series on October 17 at 09:00 (CET):

Carbone inorganique du sol : dévoiler son rôle dans le cycle global du carbone

This webinar will feature esteemed experts, Dr. Kazem Zamanian and Dr. Iñigo Virto Quecedo to delve into the underexplored world of soil inorganic carbon and its implications for soil resilience and global changes.

For more information, please visit the webinar’s page on our platform, exceptionally open to visitors for the occasion.
You will be able to access the ZOOM webinar here.

We would also like to inform you that the recording of the previous session of our webinar series is now available on Youtube.

We look forward to see you at the webinar.

  • : 07/09/2023