L'Initiative internationale "4 pour 1000"

Les Sols pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et le Climat

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Planet A #AgriTalks: « Acting for the development of food and economic sovereignty » – online

At the end of 2020, planet A® organized a series of 4 webinars ‘#AgriTalks’ on the theme “Acting for the development of food and economic sovereignty”. Paul Luu, Executive Secretary of the “4 per 1000” initiative, participated (also moderator) in AgriTalks n°3: “Food Sovereignty and the environment: leverage to reconcile and guarantee healthy, sufficient food that respects biodiversity”.

The synthesis and replays of each #AgriTalks are available by clicking here.

To watch the intervention of the President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, at the end of the series of these 4 webinars (December 8, 2020) click here.