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A Stockholm+50 event organized by Cirad, INRAE and IRD

For the 50 year anniversary of the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm, Cirad, INRAE and IRD are organising a Stockholm 50 associated event online, on May 31, 3-5PM central european summertime (CEST):

Evidence Based Knowledge for Sustainable Pathways in the Land Sector – A Focus on Agriculture and Africa

Accelerating the environmental dimension of sustainable development necessitates more integrated visions on the ground and at all relevant scales. This Stockholm 50 associated event aims to precise environmental challenges for the land sector – biodiversity, climate change and land degradation – and food security, nutrition, poverty in an integrated way. It also calls for a knowledge based evaluation of pathways along multiple sustainability criteria to enlighten decisions for transitions in the land sector, in particular in agriculture.

Scientists will present key messages from three policy briefs published by Cirad, IDDRI, INRAE and IRD.

How to strengthen knowledge based actionable knowledge and capacity building to tackle those challenges at scale as well as to improve expertise for policymakers will then be discussed in the context of Africa.

The event aims to foster collective action and cooperation between stakeholders, policymakers and scientists, in order to improve policy coherence on the land sector and between sectors, to face environmental challenges. It contributes therefore particularly to Leadership Dialogue 3 “Accelerating the implementation of the environmental dimension of Sustainable Development in the context of the Decade of Action”.

Watch the event online