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fourth call for projects of the « 4 per 1000 » Initiative for formative evaluation

The fourth call for projects for formative evaluation opens from 1st April to 1st June 2022.

As a reminder, the objective of this evaluation is twofold:

  • Modality 1 concerns new projects seeking funds for implementation. In this case, the aim is to improve the project’s actions and increase the chances of approval by donors (the « 4 per 1000 » Initiative is not directly involved in the financing of projects ).
  • Modality 2 concerns ongoing projects seeking « recognition » in the framework of the evaluation by the Scientific and Technical Committee of « 4 per 1000 ». In this case, the aim is to help projects, through expert advice, to achieve objectives in line with the « 4 per 1000 » Initiative and to set up methods to monitor progress during project implementation.