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World Soil Day Celebration 2020 : Keep soils alive, protect soil biodiversity – online

Held every year on 5 December since 2014, World Soil Day celebrates the importance of healthy soils for healthy food and a healthy life. In 2020, World Soil Day will celebrate soil biodiversity under the motto « Keep soils alive, protect soil biodiversity« . This day is an opportunity to highlight the importance of soil biodiversity for sustaining life on Earth and providing an essential, nature-based solution to many of our current global challenges such as food security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and poverty reduction.

This year, given the current situation, the celebration took place online in the presence of the FAO DG, the CBD Executive Secretary and renowned international guests. Furthermore, a global report entitled « State of Knowledge on Soil Biodiversity » was launched during the celebration. This assessment is the result of a collaborative effort of more than 300 scientists from around the world and is expected to become a springboard in the field of soil biodiversity.

See the video made for the occasion by the 4p1000 communication team