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Soil Partners’ Day

Why a Soil Health Resolution at COP 28 of UNFCCC? – Global Soil Partnership, 11th Plenary Assembly, 12-14 July

Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, it has become clear to everyone that agriculture, in addition to forestry, has a particular importance in the fight against climate change, thanks to the possibility of storing carbon in the soil through the adoption of agroecological practices.

During the exchanges at all levels and between all categories of stakeholders, it became clear that the capacity to store carbon in soils was conditioned in large part by the health of the soils. This subject therefore appears to be the central issue on which future actions should focus in order to face the important challenges of humanity for the next 27 years, namely the fight against climate change, food insecurity, biodiversity erosion and desertification.

Since COP 27, the “4 per 1000” Initiative and the Coalition for Action on Soil Health (CA4SH) have been working hard to bring this issue to the forefront of the global agenda. This side-event aims at convincing people of the importance of presenting a resolution on soil health at the COP 28 in Dubai in December as part of the GSP’s action on « Promote awareness raising and advocacy on soil health ».

Download the programme of the event


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