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Mission on Horizon Europe: Design and Impact by and for the Spanish Society – Dec 12, 2019 – Madrid

The event was organized by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and by the Ministry for Ecological Transition, within the framework of the COP25 held at IFEMA-Madrid. The general purpose of this event was to report on the next European Framework Program for Science and Technology, Horizon Europe, and discuss a novel part of it: the Missions. The day was proposed as an exercise to discuss and contribute to the design and content of the five areas defined in the Missions, among which is the Mission on “Soil health and Food”. The debate in the Soil and Food Mission group was led by a representative of the European Commission (Annette Schneegans), a representative of the Steering Committee (Carmen Vela) and a representative of the Subgroup for Missions of the Parallel Program Committee (“Shadow ”) from Horizon Europe (Rocío Lansac). The meeting was attended by a large group of professionals related to the subject (ca. 30) of different participating entities (“Stakeholders”) and was moderated by José Manuel González of CDTI. Paloma Melgarejo attended the event as 4p1000 Initiative representative. The initial objective of the meeting was to identify interests regarding the Mission, such as areas of action, challenges and challenges; actions to develop; instruments in Horizon Europe; necessary innovations and mechanisms for synergies.

More information on this link.