General Assembly 2022 of the European Geosciences Union
The assembly is open to the scientists of all nations. A session on « Soils and climate change » is organized with Dr Cornelia Rumpel, chair of the 4 per 1000 STC, as co-convener.
Climate change has already started to affect dynamic feedbacks between plant, soil, and microbial communities and thus strongly influences terrestrial biogeochemical cycling. In this session we address the question: What is the impact of changing environmental conditions, and the resulting plant-soil interactive effects on soil biogeochemistry? As there are positive and negative feedbacks with the climate system, dynamics of organic matter is one focus of this session. We invite contributions from manipulative field experiments, observations in natural-climate gradients, and modelling studies that explore the impact of climate change impacts on plant-soil interactions, biogeochemical cycling of C, N, P, microbial diversity and decomposition processes, and deep -soil biogeochemistry. Submissions that adopt novel approaches, e.g. molecular, isotopic, or synthesize outputs from large-scale, field experiments focusing on plant-soil-microbe feedbacks to warming, wetting, drying and thrawing are very welcome.
Deadline for abstract submission are January 13, 2022.