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« Enhancing investment in soil health and carbon storage: frontiers for linking finance and carbon accounting » – online

This event is co-organized by CCAFS-CGIAR, The Nature Conservancy, 4 per 1000 Executive Secretariat, World Bank and the Meridian Institute. The event brought together 525 attendees from 69 countries! This webinar aimed to support investment promoting soil health and carbon storage by improving accounting for soil carbon sequestration. Emerging technologies and innovation are enabling lower cost accounting that could help investors better demonstrate performance toward climate and soil health impacts.

Unlocking finance to better support soil health and carbon sequestration could be transformative for food systems and the climate.

Read the SOC and Finance info note « How soil carbon accounting can improve to support investment- oriented actions promoting soil carbon storage
You can view the webinar recording here along with the slide-deck and other useful information regarding soil carbon accounting and finance: