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2024 Call for candidates for the partial renewal of the members of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the « 4 per 1000 » Initiative

After the 16th Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the international « 4 per 1000 » Initiative last December in Dubai, two members of the STC have terminated their mandate and left the Committee.

Thus, Dr. Cornelia RUMPEL and Dr. Yasuhito SHIRATO are retiring from the STC after 7 years. The Presidency and the Executive Secretariat would like to thank them deeply for their involvement in the work of the Committee, and, concerning Dr. Cornelia RUMPEL for her chairmanship of the STC during 3 years until 2022.

Consequently, The Consortium of Members decided on December 6, 2023 in Dubai to proceed to the selection then nomination of replacements for those two experts as members of the STC.

The « 4 per 1000 » Initiative is thus launching a new call for candidates for the partial renewal of the members of the Scientific and Technical Committee.

If you are interested (or if you know a scientist who could be interested), please read (or transfer) the attached documents and send us your application file.

Applicants should be internationally acknowledged as high level scientific and technical experts in fields directly related to the societal challenges addressed by the Initiative.

For the current opening, preference will be given to applicants with expertise in carbon accounting, carbon communication (science-policy interface), innovative MRV systems (including AI based approaches) and soil biodiversity.

But as partial renewal will also take place at the end of 2024, all applicants with expertise within the scope of the Initiative (see Excel file attached to have an overview of all possible disciplines) are welcome.

Applications by candidates with experience in policy and legal frameworks and/or experience in interaction with practitioners and the transformation of land-use systems are also explicitly encouraged, for the present call.

Researchers from private sector may apply on their own merits.

How to apply:

Applicants are requested to send by mail the following elements:

  • a cover letter of motivation,
  • a CV of no less than one page, indicating all experiences,
  • a list of most relevant scientific publications,
  • the filled application form
    (see Excel file attached for downloading)

ATTENTION: Deadline for the call has been extended:

All files in PDF format should be sent to the following address:, no later than Friday March 15th, 2024 – midnight Central European Time (CET).

Potential candidates can also send their questions to the same email address.